Giving Luncheon Application
For Nonprofits

For the past several years, The Millbrook Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC) has proudly held a Giving Luncheon each holiday season to highlight and celebrate a local nonprofit for its hard work, dedication to the community, and its achievements.

This year begins a new chapter in our Giving Luncheon history. With now over 30 nonprofit organizations as members of MACC, the MACC Board has decided to put the process of selection in the hands of those organizations. Therefore, this year MACC will begin an application process that will allow all these well-deserving nonprofit members to apply. One organization will be selected from the applications turned in by the deadline below, by a committee of the MACC Board to be featured at the next MACC Giving Luncheon.

Important Dates
  • Grant applications open: September 1, 2024
  • Deadline for applications: November 1, 2024 – at 3 p.m.
  • MACC Giving Luncheon: December 5, 2024 – 11:30 – 1 p.m.
To apply, fill out the form below. Please answer all questions completely.